Thursday, June 21, 2007

zomg bored


*pulls hair out in frustrated manner*


i hate being bored with nothing to do because then i just eat to occupy my time. bad habit i know.. i'm gonna try and replace eating with smoking which is also bad, if not worse, but oh well at least i wont put on weight doing that.

i feel like i have no space of my own except for my room in this house... so when my mum asks me why am i holing myself up in my room, i think... isn't it obvious?

the kitchen and spare room/study is her space where she cooks and works
the dining room is phil's space where he does whatever he does on the computer and listens to music
when thayne come's home the living room is taken over by him and his anime cartoons which i'm not a fan of so obviously i wont go in there
which leaves me the outside deck which i wouldn't mind hanging out on if i knew i wasn't gonna die of pneumonia and tadaaa MY ROOM.

so yea... its not that hard of a question to answer.
but its so depressing cuz even though i love my room... it does get a little bit boring after a while.
and when i get bored.... i get a lil bit crazy... and then depressed... and thats not where i want to be at the moment.

hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for me... i think i'll be going to uni to see giulia for lunch. hopefully i can convince her to come down to glenferrie road w me for lunch after her appointment at uni... then i can go get the tshirt printed and go straight to caryn's house after.

although... i should probably be staying at home and NOT spending money but i cant help it. krista is going away on monday foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

i cant ffk (pike) on them now. *sigh*

stupid holidays... bring back uni already.

love much,


Anonymous said...

MaN, jOAnna. I come home from school at 4 and get kicked of at 6, so 2 hours of normal american cartoons and dog whisperer. :| and dont forget piano

Anonymous said...

don't start smoking! it'll only hurt you in the end... D:
i'm sure you've heard that enough though so i'm gonna go now... *leaves*
