Thursday, January 25, 2007

We're in Singapore!!!


I am currently in singapore with my two darling cousins, Sheyna and Jessica. we just arrived like 3 hours ago and now we're just relaxing with glasses of champagne and orange in our hands talking about futures... which is something i would prefere to ignore because i'm the sort of person to ignore my problems then face them...

i have got alot of problems that i would love to ignore... but everybody seems to be loving to put the problems in my face... WHY?!?!? WHYYYYY?!?!?

yes yes... they love me, i know.

so right now ... i have been asked to do a number of things;

1. do some soul searching
2. consider deferring uni and working
3. while working take a night course
4. work work work
5. study but send in articles to newpapers to add to my portfolio
6. DIE!

well... not the last one but i feel like doing just that.

as for what i think of what everybody is saying to me.... i think they are all very good options for me... but... i just dont like being faced with so many choices. i just want someone to tell me what to do... one choice one option and that is the one thing i will do.

*le sigh*

love and kisses from singapore,

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

fucker and a half


yea... i am so pissed off right now.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

bummed and bored

ok so a few thursdays ago, i went to poppies w caryn and celina because our lovely friend Joel invited us. it was really fun! i had a really good time... thanks joel for the shot which i still owe you. or i could just get you a christmas present la... whichever you choose. lol.


before make up and stuff

after make up and stuff

do i scrub up well? lol

Caryn Celina and I - sober as nuns

tipsy as priests

Joel and Jojo

so yeaa.... i went up to Cameron Highlands with my dad, bro, cousins and caryn for 3 days 2 nights and we stayed in the bungalow relaxing..

Here are the photos!

me and caryn being scrabble nerds!



me flying.... or falling. whichever you like.

more sunflowers! i like.

ok... so theres alot more photos of us playing around in the garden but they all look same same but different. erm... we didnt do much really. We relaxed alot... played our lil board game hearts out till the point where if i look at anther board game i'll cry. lol!

then yea... nothig much la!!! it was a nothing holiday which was really nice....