I heart Leo.
Yesterday, Brad, Sarah and myself went to Chadstone to have a coffee and catch up since I haven't seen her since she got back from South Africa. Then she left and Brad and I went and watched 'Shutter Island'. It was really good and such a mind trip... after the twist was revealed, I was still going, "What just happened?" in my brain a good 5 minutes after.
Then Brad went to a party and I went for cake with Caryn and Andrew in Camberwell. Went back to theirs to watch the movie '9' and that was also a really good movie. It's really well animated and I believe it was only a short film but because it had such a good response, the makers decided to extend the story line and make it into a feature film. I suggest you watch it!
Day 11
Lego Lamp!
Today, I did absolutely nothing at all until about 4 pm when Sarah picked Brad, Bec and myself up to go to her house for a BBQ. First Aussie barby since I've been back and it was sooo goood. Besides the fact that it was stinking hot and I felt like dying!
We then went and watched 'The Wolfman' which I promptly fell asleep too after he got turned into a werewolf. I wouldn't bother watching it if you're not into the whole cheesy 80's feel to a movie. I felt like I was watching MJ's 'Thriller' video clip when the werewolves were on screen.
In other news, Caryn has introduced me to a really cool website called www.dealextreme.com and there is a whole bunch of really cool thingymawhatsits there that you can buy for really cheap if you look. Everything is free shipping! Even the items that cost 99 cents! Caryn bought this awesome Lego lamp (in picture above) which I really want to get once I start getting some money in my bank account.
Okay, sleepy time I think.
Love love!