Sunday, February 21, 2010

Weekend shenanigans or lack of it

Day 10

I heart Leo.

Yesterday, Brad, Sarah and myself went to Chadstone to have a coffee and catch up since I haven't seen her since she got back from South Africa. Then she left and Brad and I went and watched 'Shutter Island'. It was really good and such a mind trip... after the twist was revealed, I was still going, "What just happened?" in my brain a good 5 minutes after.
Then Brad went to a party and I went for cake with Caryn and Andrew in Camberwell. Went back to theirs to watch the movie '9' and that was also a really good movie. It's really well animated and I believe it was only a short film but because it had such a good response, the makers decided to extend the story line and make it into a feature film. I suggest you watch it!

Day 11

Lego Lamp!

Today, I did absolutely nothing at all until about 4 pm when Sarah picked Brad, Bec and myself up to go to her house for a BBQ. First Aussie barby since I've been back and it was sooo goood. Besides the fact that it was stinking hot and I felt like dying!
We then went and watched 'The Wolfman' which I promptly fell asleep too after he got turned into a werewolf. I wouldn't bother watching it if you're not into the whole cheesy 80's feel to a movie. I felt like I was watching MJ's 'Thriller' video clip when the werewolves were on screen.
In other news, Caryn has introduced me to a really cool website called and there is a whole bunch of really cool thingymawhatsits there that you can buy for really cheap if you look. Everything is free shipping! Even the items that cost 99 cents! Caryn bought this awesome Lego lamp (in picture above) which I really want to get once I start getting some money in my bank account.
Okay, sleepy time I think.

Love love!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Success in every way

Day 9

Unfailed fried noodles

So, this is my dinner that I cooked tonight. Turned out good!! Pretty simple dish to put together though but I'm proud it didn't get ruined like the last one. Fried vermicelli noodles with black sauce, chinese sausage, capsicum, brocolli, onions and garlic topped with dried shallots. Nyum nyum!

Also, I went for another interview today. Turns out it's for a supervising position at a really nice cafe. I think I got it because he asked me to come back next week for shifts and got reallllyyyy in depth into the role the supervisor would be playing. If I take the job it would be my first REAL job with like... a yearly salary to it and everything. Unfortunately, because I'm serious about going back to university mid year, I can't take the job because he wants someone who can be committed to full time hours for a long time and not just 6 months. Very bad luck. On the upnote, it's nice to know that I can be considered to take on a superviser role.
*insert grin here*

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Qu'ils mangent de la brioche!

Day 8

Cake shop!

I got the job! I now work at a cute, quirky little cake shop owned by a family. It's really nice because the daughter who's 19, her mum (who owns the shop) and her mum's mum (or grandmother) all work there. There's also little crosses scattered around the shop, like in the cash drawer and in the cupboard where we keep our bags. It's pretty sweet actually. 
Hopefully I get another job closer to home because right now I have to travel an hour to get to work which is a little bit of a hike. For now I'm only working 3 days a week which will soon be moved up to 4 days.
Me? Selling cakes and eating it too?

Love love!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Failed dinner

Day 7

Oyster Chicken & French beans w egg

The chicken was way too salty and the beans had a slight burnt taste to it, thanks to the burnt garlic which was due to the overheated wok and much too slow a reaction on my behalf. 
Oh well, try again tomorrow!
P.s. Got my trial shift at the cake shop tomorrow. Here's hoping!

Love love!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 6

Willie Dixon - I'm Nervous

Quite an apt titled song as to what I'm feeling now. Got an interview in 4 hours... really hoping I get it because Lord knows I need this job. Any job.

Love love.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 5


This is love

I guess this is what love is. 
Being able to look like the biggest dork on the planet and not have him care.
Having been found out you're actually a closet nerd and him be a little bit excited.
Knowing that I'll always have arms to fall into when I need enveloping.
Being caught whenever I fall and having my battle wounds cared for after.
Still getting a warm feeling in heart area when I look over at him sleeping next to me.
Still counting my blessings for the path that has taken me to him.
I guess this is what love is.

Happy Valentine's to all!

Love love!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

He's Home!

Day 4

Brad looking all manly and stuff
His first day back in the country and he made the effort to go all the way to Ringwood to have dinner with my family. Now he's passed out next to me, occasionally waking up to give me a cuddle and a kiss with mumbles of how much he missed me. 
Oh, how I love being in love.

Love love.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Missing my baby

Day 3

Brad & I
Brad's coming home tomorrow! I'm picking him up at the airport at 1.45 pm. How exciting!!!! After 3 long months of seperation, it's going to be so so good to be in his arms again.

Love love!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Missing my godchild

Day 2

When all I'm doing is sitting on the couch watching Glee and surfing the net for jobs feeling kinda alone and down... Jolie would be perfect to snuggle right now.

Love love.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My 365 days start now

Wow.. it's been forever and a age since I've posted anything here. Now that I have nothing to do with myself, I guess it's time to start reposting.

I'm going to do this 365 day project thing that everyones been doing. I think it's supposed to be a photo a day to show/describe how your day went/how you're feeling etc. I'm going to mix it up a little and make it videos and/or photos. How's that for being bored eh?

Day 1: Falling Slowly

Feeling a little bit depressed today. Work sucks. Being alone sucks. Being broke sucks. Life just sucks in general right about now. Hopefully things pick up for me soon.

Love love.