Saturday, April 21, 2007

10 things i love

10 things i love

1. i love books. Without books i think i would kill myself because there is not a moment in my life i can remember me NOT reading a book... i may not read intelligent books like Plato and the theory of evolution, but i read what connects to me and usually thats autobiographies, spiritual books and of course... the occasional entertaining chick lit.

2. i love dogs. I had two dogs back in malaysia... both daschunds. One was called Samson and the other was called Princess... Samson ran away when i was 7 *sobs* but that christmas i remember writing a letter to Santa asking for a puppy and also a tent to play with the puppy in. lol. And needless to say i got my puppy...but Santa's reply to me was, "Be a better girl next year and you'll get a tent too" hahaha

3. i love shopping. I am obsessed! it is sooooo bad for me and my wallet and my ever depleting bank account. *sigh* i have too many bags, too many clothes and too few shoes. lol

4. i love singing. i'm sure its torture for mostly everbody around me when i decide to break into a song and dance but tooooo bad! i've always loved singing... i used to be in the childrens christmas choir every year at church, then in the youth choir.. and also part of the sri aman choir. lol. fun fun days...

apparently when i was 6 or something... my aunt got married and at her reception i got up on stage and started singing "Somwhere Out There" from the movie American Tale/Tail(?). My mum was like, "OMG! Thats my kid!!" hahahahaha

5. i love malaysia. Leaving my home was the hardest thing i have ever experienced in my life. Having to just up and leave everything you have ever known, the people you love, the life you have made for yourself... and i was just starting to really enjoy my life too.. it was horrible. I hated my mother for bringing me here and sometimes i still want to just buy a ticket back and say a big "FUCK YOU AUSTRALIA"... but yea... i appreciate every moment i have had in Australia now that I'm older and i am starting to love my life here... friends and more family coming over are making it easier... but i still miss home everyday.

6. i love meeting new people... especially when you meet someone you can just click with immediately... girl or boy whatever but its soo good to just be able to meet someone and know that you will be great friends with them.

also meeting people at parties and stuff is pretty awesome too. :D

7. i love my family. I am sooo lucky to have been born into a massive family that all love each other tremendously... My mum has 7 siblings so that has made me the proud cousin to 24 people. I'm the 3rd eldest (by 4 days!) and having been brought up with so much of love and happiness has really changed my life... it would never be the same without them and thats why its so hard here sometimes... but yea, i have one family over here now, hopefully another one will be on the way.

8. i love my friends. I am so thankful to have so many good friends who i know will always be there for me, not judge me and love me for who i am. Friends beat boyfriends anyday because... yea boyfriends can leave you and you always have to worry bout their love dying or whatever, but friends... you cant leave your friend for anyone. I love allll of them so much... *hugs*

9. i love to write. I used to write alot more when I was younger but now I think i'm starting to get into writing poetry again as well as songs... its just so nice to be able to sit down and put your feelings into words that can reach people... as well as making it easier to understand whats going through your head.

10. i love myself. well... of course! otherwise who would love me?? hahahaha...

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